Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Gettin' Up and Gettin' Over...

Whenever I go out to shoot, I seem to be extremely drawn (no pun intended) to graffitti.  Maybe it's cause I listen to too much Lil' Wayne and NaS, but who knows.  I've been shooting photos of it for years.  Stay tuned for a color study on the local graffitti around my house...Remember...Gunz Don't Kill People...d

Tuesday, August 26, 2008


Just one of many shots I got back from the lab today.  I've been all about my half frame camera lately...Remember...Gunz don't kill people...d

Sunday, August 24, 2008


Apparently I missed the memo but Friday night was Choadfest at the Thirsty Lion.  Luckily for me, I stayed home and went to sleep...But here's my newest question.  Why would you go to a skate shop if you don't skateboard?  All summer long I've been pondering this, as Saturday after Saturday I see the biggest Chads walk into Pharmacy and proceed to only ask about/show interest in Diamond and Nike SB.  Hey!!!!  I don't know if you caught this or not, but the "SB" part of that name stands for skateboarding you douchebags!!!!!  And Diamond is a SKATEBOARD hardware company.  I realize you just thought they made expensive designer shirts, but they are a legit skate company originally.  Anyways, I'm out to Everyday Music to go buy the new NaS album since I noticed it was out now...Just remember...Gunz don't Kill people...d

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Under the Boardwalk...

There's so much i could rant about right now, but I'm not feeling particularly whitty.  So sit back and relax and enjoy this image of the boardwalk in Santa Monica...

Tuesday, August 19, 2008


I'm really drawn to shooting photos of bridges.  Yeah, I know, weird being that I live in Portland...Just remember...Gunz Don't Kill People...d

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Vlads, Chads, and Douche Bags...

So I had this great idea the other day at work...Why not set up a site to continue my favorite hobby of talking shit about random choads I come into contact with daily.  It would be glorious.  I wanted to name it Chads, Vlads, and Douchebags. I could catalog these choads daily and put em on blast.  Maybe even set-up a D-Bag of the Day...Well, after ranting about the awesomeness of this idea and my plans to put it into effect, I came to the realization that cataloging douchebags everyday was more work than my lazy ass was cut out for.  So instead I present to you this blog...Just remember,  Gunz Don't Kill People...d